Every year, Max and I sit down and decide on a word or phrase to guide us through the coming year. Okay, it's possible that I corner Max and bombard him with a list of "suggestions" and then stand there, expectantly (and blocking the exit) until he cooperates and helps me pick one. I should ask him how he feels about the process....
Anyway, this year we're running behind schedule and haven't chosen one yet. It's mostly because I only suggested one motto - this one - and it's the only word or motto Max has ever nixed.
I presented it half in jest, but honestly it's because it's impossible to do and have it all. If I'm going to try to work from home, even part-time, somethings got to give.
This "motto" is kind of tongue-in-cheek, though, because I actually really enjoy cleaning. Also, I believe that cleaning and caring for our things - whether homes, cars, antique grandfather clocks, Hot Wheel collections, whatever our "things" are - helps to forge a connection and create a respect, a relationship, an appreciation, and even a love for our things.
Still, though, there are only so many hours in the day and prioritizing is vital to accomplishing anything at all. For those of us who like to do things ourselves, though, knowing who and when to ask for help is really daunting.
So what's worth farming out? Any advice?
And any suggestions for an actual word or motto to guide 2018?!